The Software Development process and how Heart Limited can help

It is believed that at least 80% of all software projects are delivered late, over budget or not at all, based on anecdotal evidence, available online and from personal experience.

Over-optimism is common place and a belief that it will all come together in the nick of time is the norm. By opening the lid on the process our aim is to enable you to truly get to the heart of the process and be aware of problems as they occur.

The Problem: Late Software

Bespoke software projects are difficult to assign cost and time estimates.

For estimates to be of any value the software design house must spend a great deal of time preparing the quotation. They must Design the product and identifying each task to determine the development, testing and integration times, all before they win the order. This is just not cost effective.

  • Corners are cut to achieve the initial incorrect time estimates.
  • Design and test documents of low quality are created or ignored.
  • Basic testing is not performed to a suitable standard if at all.
  • Meeting the customer needs is put behind finishing the tasks and the project.

The finished product is late and then requires modification to meet the original customer requirements, which is often at the customer's expense. Whether an individual, a company or a Government department.

The Solution: Understanding the Software Process

Heart Limited can:

  • Advise you on the development process and the consequences of missing out any part of it will have on your product.

  • Ensure the company you select to develop your product, understand and follow the software development lifecycle.

  • Ensure your requirements are written to enable a good design to be created.

  • Ensure you ask the correct questions to determine the true progress of the project.

  • Advice on structuring stage payments based on proven functionality.

  • Ensure when you are told it’s working it really is meeting your requirements, and not just turning on and off the lights.

Don’t let your software solution become another problem.  Understanding the process, the people and the tricks, can prevent you from being taken for a ride.